
Showing posts from November, 2022


 Today all I did was present my poem because I had to leave early.


Love Struck  The most beautiful woman I ever saw She like a queen I just be thankful to lay eyes on her She bout ten thousand times more prettier then me She more pretty then my mama Everyday it something else to make miration over I see her there in furs She be dress to kill She pretty  The most beautiful woman I ever saw


 Today we were given the task to write a found poem. This pretty much means that we find quotes from the text, The Color Purple, and use the quotes to create a cohesive poem. Mr. Rease also gave us a quick run down about what the rest of the semester will look like.


 Today was a reading day. We read letters 20-22 of the Color Purple. We also started an assignment on Illuminate. We basically worked on our skill to develop themes based on each letter.


 Today was yet another stressful and boring day. We completed the essay and short response section of our monthly benchmark.


 Today was pretty much a boring day. We had to do the first section of our monthly benchmark.


 Today was mind boggling. Most of my friends got pulled out of class and I didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. I spent most of today assuming that I didn't meet a certain criteria and it caused me to miss out on something good. I was wrong. It was just a notice to people that were taking a lot of AP classes. I didn't have that problem because I dropped an AP class to ensure that I get art class for next semester. I know that my counselors despised this decision, but I knew that it would help me get into the college of  my choice. Besides that, more groups presented their projects. 


It was my group's turn to present today and I was slightly nervous. We were the fourth group to present, so we had time to look at the other presentations to be 100% sure that we present everything correctly. When we presented we had a little trouble with the picture, but everything else turned out good. Since, I was the questioner, I wanted to create thought provoking questions with a little bit of controversy. All my nerves went away when I asked my first question and had a lot of input.  


 Today some groups presented their Lit. Circles Project. We had to do a "3,2,1" on each group. I attempted to be as engaged in each group as possible, but towards the end I did get a little sleepy. Thankfully, me and my friends held each other accountable and completed the work.


 We were out of school today. I hoped that my teachers wouldn't give me work, but one of them did. Sadly, I spent some of my day dealing with homework.


 I was slightly happy all day because it's my Mom's birthday. I was confused when I came into class because all the desk were put in groups and we weren't sitting in our assigned seats. I decided to sit in the area I usually sit and came to find out that the groups that we were sitting in were the groups for our Lit. Circles project. I felt somewhat worried about the project when Mr. Rease revealed that we would be getting a group grade. Most of the time I avoid group projects because I hate putting my trust about my grade in others. However, when my group discussed the work they seemed like they were truly intrigued so I gained my confidence back.