
Showing posts from August, 2022

08/29/22 - Space Bell ringer

    I think the probability of life outside of Earth is quite high. The universe is so vast that I'm sure there are other living things and other signs of life beyond Earth. My reaction to seeing the image of Earth from Mars makes all of our problems seem so small. My reaction to hearing the sound of a black hole threw me off.  I was told my whole life that you can't hear in space, yet there's an actual recording of a black hole. This puts my life into a perspective because it seems so crazy to be selfish and mean to others when you're nothing but a spec in time. 


      This morning was exceedingly stressful. There was a lack of communication about how I was going to get to school. This resulted in me being late. The rest of the day went well. When I got to Mr. Rease's class I had to immediately turn in my Origin Myth assignment. I feel like I did pretty well. Mr. Rease even gave me a compliment about how well typed and structured my paper was. We watched a short film about over-complicating things. I found it to be greatly relatable to my life. We then proceeded to read and annotate a poen called " We Real Cool". It was quite interesting to make connections and inferences to get the true meaning of the poem. All in all, today started off rough and ended mediocre.


      Today wasn't too stressful. We learned about the rhetorical situation. I found that this lesson was pretty easy to grasp mainly because of my prior knowledge from last school year. As with most lectures, I get pretty sleepy, but I managed to stay awake to complete the notes and start planning my Origin Myth so I can turn it in on time for tomorrow. Overall, today was an okay day.


 Today we wrote a twelve sentence story. 


      Today, we learned about the 3 rhetorical appeals ( logos, pathos, and ethos). Mr. Rease proposed to the class the option of having a free day on Friday. Using logos, Fridays off give you more time to plan rather than teach. This means that you will save time on planning by getting it out of the way now. Using pathos, Fridays off will give you less things to worry about, like grading papers, and giving you more free time to enjoy your free time with your family. Using ethos, during the pandemic the school gave us Wednesday off. My teachers at the time felt like their job was less stressful. 


      Today's class felt pretty boring. It may be because I was slightly sleepy or because it was a lecture day. We learned about myths, legends, and religions. Specifically, I learned that the main difference between a legend and a myth is that a myth is known to be untrue while a legend is a story that is unproven. All in all, today wasn't really exciting, but I learned some new and useful information.


 I wasn’t here. 

08/17/22 - Purpose

 I feel like people don’t just have one purpose. Currently, my purpose in life is to expand the horizon of the menswear fashion industry. I strive to change the traditional look of the the formal menswear attire. However, later on in life my purpose might be to inspire others to go further in their career than I will. Overall, I think purpose changes based on experience and maturity. 


My day went well for the most part. I had a slight rough morning, but still made it to school on time in the end. My other three classes went by smoothly. When I got to 4th period I was expecting to read my paragraph from last week, until my friend informed me that we didn’t need to read it aloud. Mr. Rease took us through a lesson about formal and informal language. At the end of the class we had to write a letter using formal language. I felt a little rushed as we were running out of time, but I think my letter turned out good in the end.


 I am Elijah Scott. I go to Cedar Grove High School. Currently, I am 16. Originally, I am from Conley, Georgia, but my upbringing is primarily from East Atlanta. For fun I like to sew. It is a great way for me to express myself, relieve some stress and work on my career. Three goals that I would like to achieve this year are to pass my art class, get some college credit for my A.P.U.S.H class, and get college credit for my A.P Statistics class.